Connection configuration

To establish a connection, go to the settings view by clicking on the settings icon in the left sidebar in the bottom left of your window.


Before setting up the connection, ensure that you have shared the necessary database credentials with the Marple team.

This allows us to configure your Marple Insight instance to securely retrieve data from your data source. Typically, this includes details such as the database URL, authentication credentials, and query configurations.

This setup is handled behind the scenes, so reach out to us to get it configured.

For example, if you're connecting to an ADX database, the required credentials might look something like this:

    "appId": "8aa131d-dac5-429d-ada2-95adbc83b",
    "appKey": "anv8Q~TJ6ubna15TCi.wAg9015EcDL",
    "tenantId": "11344e0f-83d3-4b52-9a38-a6bbb1a360a4",
    "dbName": "my-adx-database",
    "dbHost": ""
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Next, within the Marple Insight application, you'll need to define a set of queries that allow Marple to interpret and retrieve your data.

There are required queries—such as those for datasets, signal lists, and time-series data—as well as optional queries, like segment-based queries.

Required QueriesOptional Queries

These queries are written using the Jinja templating language, which makes them dynamic and adaptable to different datasets.

Last updated