Compare data
Compare different data sets
Last updated
Compare different data sets
Last updated
If you would like to compare data across different datasets, or across different segments within the same database, you can visualize multiple datasets simultaneously.
Click on the multiple layers icon in the datasets dialog (at the bottom left of your tab) to display all datasets loaded in the project.
In the datasets dialog, you will now see that each dataset is assigned a particular colour.
Given the above configuration, data of the first dataset will now be displayed in blue, data of the second dataset will be green and data of the third dataset will be purple.
Clicking the settings wheel in the Datasets dialog opens options to configure how your datasets align. Here, you can:
Adjust dataset alignment to ensure data points match up correctly across multiple datasets.
Compare a specific lap by selecting a reference dataset to analyze performance differences.
Set an offset between two datasets to align time or event markers for more precise comparisons.
These settings help fine-tune your data visualization, making it easier to spot trends and differences across datasets.
If you have data that is organised by different laps (see Motorsport Package), you can also compare laps within the same dataset. To do so, simply use Ctrl + click and selecting multiple laps.
The Manage Datasets dialog allows you to customize the appearance of your datasets or layers for better visualization. You can access this dialog by clicking the Manage Datasets button in the Datasets dialog in the bottom left of your window.
Within this dialog, you can assign different colors to datasets or layers, making it easier to distinguish between multiple data sources in your plots. Simply click on one of the empty color boxes next to a dataset or layer to select a new color.
You can also change the order of the dataset by clicking on the arrows at the right of the dataset.