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Initially, the scatter plot will be empty.
Drag and drop or double-click signals from the signal list to the x/y or color signal fields to add them to the plot. This is basically the same as you would do with a time series plot (see: ) .
After adding some signals to the scatter plot, the plot should look something like this:
When you click on the settings wheel, there are ample options to further configure the scatter plot.
You can turn on and off the resampling of the input signals and change the frequency of the resampling.
You can change the bullet size of the data points that are drawn on the plot to any desirable size.
You can exchange the X and Y-axes by clicking on the button cycle through the signals.
Set the limits of the X and Y-axes
You can turn on the display of a subsampling grid. This is useful for large datasets, as these are aggregated along a grid.
You can apply a trend line, and choose whether you want the trend line to be linear, quadratic or cubic.
An example of a quadratic trendline
A linear trendline
A cubic trendline
To filter out outliers, you will have to add another signal from the signal list, and set a unit beyond which data points will not be considered. You can add multiple filtering signals.
Add a colour dimension to the plot by adding a new signal and configuring lower and upper bound colors