
We keep a Marple Installation Guide on gitlab for self-managed teams. Please find an overview of the general hardware requirements below.

Common Requirements

  • CPU: 4 vCPUs

  • RAM: 8 GB

  • Storage: Minimum 20 GB (for data storage, exports, and logs)

  • Network: 100 Mbit/s upload and equal or better download speed

  • Operating System: Linux (x86 architecture; ARM is not supported)

  • Internet Access: Required to pull Marple container images

For Kubernetes Deployment

  • Cluster Setup: A running Kubernetes cluster

  • Pods: 1 pod with the above minimum specifications

  • Persistent Storage: 20 GB volume for data and logs

For Docker Compose Deployment

  • Host System: Bare metal or virtual machine

  • PostgreSQL: Required (either included in Docker Compose or an external database)

  • Environment Variables: Configuration for storage paths, database connection, and deployment name

External PostgreSQL (Optional)

Marple needs a Postgres database to work.

If you are using Docker Compose, a second container with the database is included by default. If you are using Kubernetes, or you just want to run the Postgres separately, you will need to run a dedicated Postgres instance.

  • Recommended Version: PostgreSQL 17

  • Minimum Resources: 2 vCPUs + 4 GB RAM

  • Azure-Specific: Ensure UUID_OSSP extension is enabled


  • HTTPS recommended (e.g., reverse proxy in front of Marple)

  • VPN access preferred for additional security

  • Assign a fixed domain name (e.g., marple.yourcompany.com) instead of a raw IP

Last updated