Customize Marple to your liking
Last updated
Customize Marple to your liking
Last updated
To customize your user settings, go to settings -> account.
Dark mode: toggle between light mode and dark mode
Show MarpleGPT input fields: enable the input fields for AI questions in the SQL editor and visualization view
Plots: Autofit Y by default: new plots will have auto-fit y-zooming enabled by default
Signals: Sort alphabetically: by default, Marple sorts signals in the order of the original data set. This option enables the user to sort alphabetically.
Signals: Show units: if the signals in your data have units, this setting shows/hides the units in the visualization view in all plots
Signals: Group by separator: detect groups in signals automatically and group the signals in the signal list. Chose the fitting group separator to use for group detection.
Resolution: change the plot resolution for the time series plot. A higher resolution will give more precision but will come at the cost of performance.