Mouse & Keyboard
Mouse Actions
With the mouse, you can do most of the manipulations needed in the visualisation view.
[Left Click]: Set/move the cursor
[Right Click + Drag]: Select a time region to zoom in
[Right Click + Drag + CTRL]: Select a region to zoom in both axes
[Middle Button + Scroll]: Zoom on the time axis
[Middle Button + Scroll + CTRL]: Zoom on the y-axis
[Middle Button + Pan (left/right)]: Pan from left/right in time axis.
Marple can be used with the touchpad of a laptop.
In order to zoom in/out in time, you can slide up and down with two fingers on the touchpad. Move left and right to pan in time.
[2 Finger up/down]: Zoom in time
[2 Finger left right]: Pan in time (left/right)
Keyboard Shortcuts
[SPACE]: set a second cursor
[ESC]: remove second cursor
[CTRL + B]:
[CTRL + S]: Save project
Last updated